Project Director
ICF International / International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP)
Location: Northwest Washington DC
Last Date: October 22, 2008
ICF International seeks a project manager to work in our social services and community development practices in the field of international terrorism, a victim of the reimbursement program (ITVERP). This position is to our clients in the north-west of Washington, DC.
The project manager will be responsible for processing incoming compensation for the victims of the applications development and maintenance of victims of the database, collecting victim inspection of the goods, if the current management services, including monitoring the case, mail information, collect information and develop ITVERP annual report to Congress, as well as other assistance to victims of international terrorism.
Obligations may also include, but are not limited to specific recommendations for compensation of victims of the recommendation (s) written report of the Director of the Office for Victims of Crimes.
The successful candidate must have experience in the following areas:
• Services
• Compensation for victims
• response to the victims, their families and victims of terrorism and mass casualties
• victims and family outreach
• Case management
• Work with multiple-cultural population
• Work with multiple language population
• International Management Program
• the management of claims
• Project Management
• consulting contract
The position requires a bachelor degree or in the social sciences. Project Director should have 8-10 years experience. Close customer contact requires a high level of customer service, as well as oral and written communication. Project Director must be experienced and able to cope effectively with customers at all levels, including senior managers who have experience leading and participating in the process.
U.S. citizenship is not required.
ICF International offers an excellent benefits package and competitive wages.
To apply, send a cover letter, summary and salary requirements to HTTPS://
ICF International of equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
tag All-ngojobs, Ngo-usa