As part of its capacity building initiative, the Ministry of Finance, along with its collaborating partners – Civil Service Agency, University of Liberia, Liberia Institute of Public Administration - has established a Financial Management Training Program (FMTP). The Program has two components: short term training in financial management for civil servants and training of two batches of 30 trainee civil servants in financial management leading to a Masters in Management degree awarded by the University of Liberia. The program is expected to run over the next two years and is being delivered through the Financial Management Training Unit (FMTU) in the Ministry of Finance.

The program is looking for three (3) full-time lecturers in the fields of Economics, Accounting and Information Technology

Duties and Responsibilities
Scope of Work
The Lecturers shall deliver the courses in their relevant fields of specialization for the training programs being organized by the FMTU and shall carry out all the tasks, which shall include but not necessarily limited to the under listed tasks:

* Shall be responsible for preparing the course outline as per the objectives and description in the curriculum for Economics;
* Ensure that the relevant courses are effectively delivered – completing the teaching as per the curriculum and semester schedule, designing and preparing training material for the courses that are being delivered;
* Preparing and administering assignments, mid and end semester examinations and their evaluation;
* Assist the Director in administration of the Program, curriculum development, quality assurance, superintendence of the training and discipline related matters;
* Deliver subject related courses as part of the short term training courses for in-service civil servants;
* Assist the trainees with reference to any matter relating to the delivery of the training program;
* Serve as mentor for the assigned trainees during the duration of the program;
* Any other work assigned by the Director of the Program;
* Shall report the progress of the course to the Director of the Program;

Objective: To provide trainees with an understanding of the basic economic theories, concepts and techniques; and to enable them to examine and analyze the decision making behavior of consumers, firms and markets from the economic point of view.


* Introduction, theoretical perspective, definitional aspects, scope and coverage.
* Basic concepts of the market demand and supply equilibrium, principles underlying consumer demand and producer supply, scarcity and opportunity cost.
* Production functions and costs, resource allocation and efficiency.
* Market structure and competition – implications for pricing and output decisions of firms.
* General equilibrium theory, welfare economics, externalities and public goods.
* Case studies in areas relevant to Liberia’s public sector institutions (including state owned enterprises) and private firms.

Objective: To improve the macro economic analytical capability withenhanced skills in policy formulation, scenario building, implementation and review. The focus will be on an increased appreciation of the inter-relationships between various policies and the need for managed co-ordination.


* National income accounting concept, IS- LM model and its application for analysis of fiscal and monetary policies.
* Economic debates between the classical Keynesian, Monetarist and Rational expectations approaches and their implications for economic policy.
* Liberian Economy: Overview, its nature, problems and present scenario in different sectors, e.g. agriculture, industry, business, finance and the related policies of the Government of Liberia, economic integration issues. Role of government, state enterprises and new economic reforms.
* Fiscal and monetary policy:theory and practice, reform and policy formulation, macro economic models.
* Techniques used for understanding how finance relates to ‘fundamentals of economic performance such as the levels of investment and consumer spending.

Objective: To provide the trainees a critical understanding of the role of financial market in facilitating economic growth both locally and in context of international finance.


* Commercial banks, capital and money markets, interest rates
* Analysis of risk and return in financial sector
* The nature, functions of different types of banks in the financial system
* Banking regulations / supervision – role of Central Bank of Liberia
* Non bank financial institutions including development finance institutions and their role in economic development.
* The role and place of Informal Financial Institutions in the Financial System.


Objective: To provide the trainees with a basic understanding of external finance and foreign exchange issues and how they relate to macroeconomic behavior.


* Major institutions of international finance
* Study and understanding of empirical data on the financial flows of the world economy

* Introduction to theory of international trade. Balance of payment and exchange rate regimes.
* International capital markets, capital flows and economic growth, stabilization programs.


* Able to work under pressure.
* Track record of experience in post conflict country.

Required Skills and Experience

* At least a Master’s degree in the related discipline –Economics;
* Proven tract record of at least 10 years academic/teaching experience of which at least five should be with teaching Graduate students;
* University experience in an academic or/and administrative position would be an advantage.

Location : Monrovia, LIBERIA
Application Deadline : 18-Apr-08
Additional Category : Poverty Reduction
Type of Contract : SSA
Languages Required : English
Starting Date : (date when the selected canditate is expected to start) 01-May-2008
Duration of Initial Contract : Four Months Initially

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